Sunday, February 25, 2007

What does this image represent? Many things can be said about this image, it represents the most basic elements of brutal human nature, yet at the same time it shows an immense amount of frailty coming from the individual with a gun at the side of his head. We must ask ourselves who these men are and how have they come to this point. In what appears to be a good sized city, one man holds the life of another in his hand while others rabble about attending to whatever task they may be involved in. One mans life, the culmination of everything he has ever accomplished and done, is about to end. What has this man done to deserve such a fate? What can this man possibly be thinking, knowing that his entire life will climax at this very point, where a seemingly remorseless man with a revolver will execute him point-blank in the middle of a most likely war-torn city?
When contemplating the powerless man on the right, the mind begins to wander towards the man with the gun. The eye follows the shining barrel down the frail arm of the man and onto his camouflaged jacket and finally up to his blank expression and balding head. You might also wonder who this man is and what he has done to be where he is at this very moment, executing a clearly suffering and powerless individual. Is this something some are destined to become? Can we become the executioner or the condemned?


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